Eggfest 2004


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The entrance to the meet and greet gathering.

Shotgun Fred, BBQ Bob, Chuck, Cathy

QBabe, Smokey, Mr. Hyde

WessB, SallyB,
Mrs. Grillmeister

John, Chuck, Cathy

Mrs. and Mr.

PG, and neighbor Pat

QBabe, Stumpbaby, ??, ??

Grillmeister, Daa Mayor

Mr. Hyde, QBabe,

Mr. Hyde, WooDoggies,

Dr. Woo, Nature Boy

WessB, Brenda Miller,
John from BGE

Nature Boy, John, ??

Stumpbaby, WooDoggies
Cornfed, ???

The Naked Whiz,
Shotgun Fred

DrBBQ, SallyB

Jobu and his little one

Jobu, little one, Mrs. Jobu

Jim W , John W, Brenda

Some of the bunch

Mr. Earl, WooDoggies

Mollyshark, Elie

Lisa from Seasonal

Getting started at
Capt. Billys

More of Capt. Billys

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